Friday, April 27, 2012

One Liner to Patch an Offline Win7 Image

Keeping the base image for desktop deployments up-to-date with patches is important, if anything to avoid the inevitable super long patch session when it either first comes online or hits the first patch distribution cycle of its life.  The other day I was just trying to figure out if it was possible to do it in one line - not because that's necessarily useful (it's not), but mostly because I just like goofy stuff like this.  This assumes that you have cab files downloaded via WSUS or some other method and dropped in a directory and that your image is already mounted to F:\WIMMount.  Change the "x86" to "x64" if you're patching a 64-bit image.

C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86>forfiles /s /p F:\WSUS\UpdateServicesPackages\ /m *x86*.cab /c "cmd /c dism.exe /image:F:\WIMMount\ /Add-Package /Packagepath:@file"

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